We’ve Moved to Our Newell

We took four days off from working on the Newell to go skiing in Flagstaff.  Marcus and Cali will write a post about that coming up in a week or two.  Now that we are back we have officially moved.  We are still arranging things and I am sure we will be quite a long time.  I wanted to share some pictures of our new home with all of our belongings in it.

There sure is a difference in the amount of storage space.  We are working on cleaning and organizing the storage bays underneath.  Our kayaks do fit so we are happy about that.  Many more hours will be spent on making it better, but we are excited to start this new chapter of this amazing life God has blessed us with.  We have our 5th wheel listed on Craig’s List as well as some other online sites.  We are praying a new family will come along that is looking for a 5th wheel.  We know things will happen on God’s schedule not ours.  If you know anyone who is looking, please pass along our listing.


3 Replies to “We’ve Moved to Our Newell”

  1. It looks as though your hard word has paid off. A beautiful home for your traveling family. We love being able to get to the kitchen or bathroom when on the road and not having to stop. Great job and enjoy.


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